Ward Chiropractic and Rehabilitation Stays Current in Latest Chiropractic Advancements

In the world of chiropractic and rehabilitation, keeping up with the latest in chiropractic advancements and technologies is crucial to providing the premium, advanced care that our patients are searching for.

Dr. Ward’s passion for excellence means consistently pursuing the next best thing while simultaneously remaining faithful to the tried and true tactics that have benefited the chiropractic community for decades. It is this mix of care that separates his center from surrounding competitors. His commitment towards having the right tools and knowledge to aid the ailments of his patients means all who walk through his door can rest assured they are receiving the best care possible.

To further his expertise and learn about the latest in evidence-based adjusting and diagnosis techniques, Dr. Ward recently visited Toronto, CA to attend a Motion Palpitation Insitute seminar. This seminar was a twelve-hour hands-on training experience that pertained specifically to palpitation and adjustment setups required for the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and sacroiliac areas.

Some other content reviewed at this prestigious seminar:

  • Review of spinal biomechanics and current literature on manipulation.
  • Specific upper cervical palpation and adjusting.
  • Specific lumbar palpation and adjusting.
  • Specific thoracolumbar palpation and adjusting.
  • Specific sacroilac palpation and adjusting.
  • Specific cervicothoracic palpation and adjusting.
  • Specific mid and upper thoracic palpation and adjusting.

During his visit, Dr. Ward ventured to Ajax, ON where he consulted with a leader in the chiropractic field- Dr. Cecile Thackeray. Dr. Thackeray is a renowned healthcare consultant, and together Dr. Ward and Dr. Thackeray discussed the importance of a patient-centered office, improving office logistics for better workflow and organization, and staff development. Their exchange of ideas and passion for consistent improvement helped both doctors widen their range of comprehensive, patient-focused care.

It’s important for caregivers to maintain focus on delivering only the latest and best in diagnostic and treatment options, and that means exploring the newest advancements the chiropractic field has to offer. The Ward office is designed with the best interest of patients in mind, and the unwavering mission to deliver only the highest level of treatment means this Fairfax, VA center is the ultimate option for those in seek of rehabilitative care. 

To learn more about Dr. Ward and how Ward Chiropractic and Rehabilitation of Fairfax, VA can help you, call for a consultation today.  

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