Sacroiliac (SI) Joint Pain

Caring for Your Back During Extended Drives

At Ward Chiropractic and Rehab, we not only care for you in the office, but also strive to make sure you are doing what is best for your back health throughout your daily routine. Let’s face it: Americans spend an extensive period of time in their cars. Be it driving to and from work, picking […]
Dr. Ward Co-Hosts Free Event to Promote Community Wellness

Ready, set, learn! Last weekend, Dr. Kevin Ward hosted a workshop alongside friend and wellness colleague Coach John Casto of Action Fitness. Both Dr. Ward and Coach Casto are experts in their fields with a passion for health, and upon reflecting on how they could better improve the wellbeing of their neighbors, they decided to […]
The Magic of Chiropractic Care for Expectant Mothers

While there is no doubt that pregnancy is an exciting time filled with wonderful “firsts” and touching moments, it can also be said that it comes with its fair share of discomfort. While the list of discomforts is anything but short, many expectant mothers can confirm that one of the worst pains is muscle strain. […]
Choosing the Best Chiropractor Possible

Choosing the right chiropractor or care provider isn’t always easy- in fact it can be increasingly stressful. You want to be sure that you are receiving the care and help you need from a professional with experience you can count on. Choosing the right chiropractor isn’t always about spending a few minutes in a search […]
4 Tips for Avoiding Back Pain

Have you unexpectedly twisted or injured your back, causing you to miss work, social activities, or simply get in the way of every day life? You are not alone. Back pain is one of the most common injuries experienced today. Research shows that nearly 80% of Americans will experience back pain at some point in […]
The Magic of Chiropractic Care for Expectant Mothers

While there is no doubt that pregnancy is an exciting time filled with wonderful “firsts” and touching moments, it can also be said that it comes with its fair share of discomfort. While the list of discomforts is anything but short, many expectant mothers can confirm that one of the worst pains is muscle strain. […]
Caring for Your Back During Extended Drives

At Ward Chiropractic and Rehab, we not only care for you in the office, but also strive to make sure you are doing what is best for your back health throughout your daily routine. Let’s face it: Americans spend an extensive period of time in their cars. Be it driving to and from work, picking […]
Healing Your Whiplash Through Chiropractic Care

Whiplash is a fairly common injury that is exacerbated by improper understanding and care of the condition. Whiplash commonly occurs through a quick rear impact while in a stationary position. The sudden acceleration-deceleration force causes rapid forward and back movements of the head and neck, most commonly experienced after vehicular accidents. Although quite painful, it […]
The Background on Back Spasms

We all know that back spasms can be extremely uncomfortable as well as hinder daily activities, but what many people do not know is what exactly a back spasm is or how it can be treated. A back spasm occurs when the muscles near the spine are overworked, and are also results of accidents or […]