Yoga and Your Spinal Health

Lengthening spine with table pose

We all know that exercise is beneficial for our health. It increases the heart rate, promotes flexibility, boosts the metabolism, and does wonders for our stress levels. However, we also know that stress can be hard on our joints and tendons. What if we could do an exercise that is not only great for our […]

Protect Your Back While Shoveling Out Your Driveway This Winter

One of the most common causes of low back pain in winter is shoveling snow. How can you keep from becoming another statistic? Here are some tips to help you protect your back when you are digging out your walkway and driveway from the next big snowstorm. The Right Equipment Makes a Difference If you […]

Springtime Yardwork: Tips for Keeping Your Back Healthy

Gardening details, industrial gardener working with lawnmower and cutting grass in backyard

It’s that time of year again when homeowners across the country have to break out the lawn mower, electric trimmer, and other tools of the yardwork trade. Before you get out there and start making your lawn a place to be proud of, consider the following tips that can keep you from a stiff back the next […]

Don’t Let Winter Get You Down – Tips for Avoiding Falls

Family practicing ski at the ski resort

Winter is still alive and well here in Fairfax, and that means taking the proper precautions when you have to be outside in slippery conditions. We’re going to look at: The appropriate technique for walking on ice How to protect elderly relatives from winter falls When you should schedule a chiropractic appointment if you do […]

Exercises to Reduce Upper Back Stiffness

Is your upper back hurting? Do you feel the need to stretch it? Try out the exercises below. You will just need a foam roll, a ball and a towel. Let’s get started! Make sure your shoulders are relaxed and you are not shrugging them to perform the exercise properly. For the Mid-Back Rotation, you […]

Pregnant and Your Baby Is in Breech Position? Find a Chiropractor

Chiropractic treatment using the Webster Technique can help Chiropractic is a safe and gentle way to alleviate pregnancy associated joint pain. Expectant moms are often surprised to learn that chiropractic treatment can also be helpful for babies in breech position, that is, the baby’s position to exit is not headfirst, instead, feet or buttocks are pointing to the birth […]

Avoiding Lower Back Pain During Golf Season

Springtime is here, and that means all you golf enthusiasts have the perfect weather for working on taking a few strokes off your handicap. Speaking of handicap, did you know that golf is a notorious sport for causing injuries like muscle and ligament strains, disc injuries, spinal arthritis, and even a potential bone fracture? With […]

Dealing with Morning Neck Pain

“I Can’t Turn My Head” — Dealing with Morning Neck Pain  Have you ever woken up in the morning and thought you must have slept wrong? If you know the feeling of barely being able to turn your head in the morning due to neck pain, then you have experienced what is clinically called torticollis. […]

How to Enjoy Binge-Watching Without Wrecking Your Posture

We’ve all done it. Friday night, you find a show you can’t believe you never knew existed, and sure enough, Netflix has all three seasons. It’s so good you’re on season two by Monday. The problem is, you’re also waking up with a stiff neck. Why? Binge-watching is fun, but it can be rough on […]

Vacation Like a Pro: 3 Tips to Avoid Back and Neck Pain While Travelling

Summer is a great time for travel, especially for families since kids have time off from school. Unfortunately, that travel usually means long periods of time in a car or on a plane. All of that travel time can turn a fun trip into a pain in the neck or back. Have no fear! We’re […]