Basketball Injury Prevention and Recovery Tips

When you’re not watching your favorite college teams duke it out in this year’s NCAA Tournament, are you hitting the court yourself to get some exercise and enjoy a favorite pastime of many Americans? If so, injury prevention needs to play a role in preparation and gameplay. Here are a few ways to avoid injury […]

Case Study: Wrestling

Matt was a competitive high school wrestler who had attained a national ranking.  He presented to Ward Chiropractic and Rehabilitation with a burning pain at the base of his neck between his shoulder blades.  This problem had developed over the past month and had slowly gotten worse.  When Matt came into the office it was […]

Dr. Ward Attends 2017 Sports Symposium: Foot and Ankle

Ward Chiropractic and Rehabilitation specializes in the care of sports injuries. To that end, Dr. Ward attended a special sports symposium at the National University of Health Science in Lombard, Illinois that discussed various elements of the care of sports-related foot and ankle injuries.  Dr. Ward and his wife in Chicago, IL Injuries to the […]

Solution to Persistent Low Back Pain After Driving Long Hours

Do you often have to drive long hours for work, personal, or recreation purposes? If so, you may have noticed that persistent low back pain and long hours behind the wheel seem to go hand-in-hand. Why is this the case? What can you do to reduce strain on the back while driving? What treatment is […]

How to Address Upper Back Discomfort

Work in an Office and Experiencing Persistent Upper Back Pain? With millions of Americans working office jobs, it’s no surprise that so many people experience upper back pain. Working in an office is one of the most taxing jobs on your body and your posture! When you work in an environment that encourages bad posture, […]

Are You a Runner Who Experiences Persistent Nerve Pain in Your Legs?

Running is a great way to get exercise and many enjoy the exhilaration of a good run. Whether you are training for a race, burning off some excess energy, or trying to get into better shape, you don’t want pain destroying your desire to hit the track. We’re going to take a closer look at […]

Getting the Best ROI on Stretching Part 1

In the hustle and bustle of northern Virginia, time is at a premium. One question we are frequently asked by patients is, “What are a few of the most beneficial stretches I can do at home?” In other words, which stretches will provide the best ROI for your time investment. In this series of blog […]

Getting the Best ROI on Stretching Part 2

Welcome to the second installment in our series of articles designed to help you get the best return on investment while stretching. If you’re a busy resident of northern Virginia, you no doubt realize the importance of making every minute count. Here’s another exercise you can add to your repertoire that will give you the […]

Back-to-School Tips: Proper Posture During Class and Homework

It’s time for kids to head back to school and that means lots of time crammed into one of those tiny school desks, hours reading books and doing research, and plenty of time in front of the computer. Unfortunately, those are all things that can lead to poor posture and back pain. We’re going to […]