Swimming for Spine Health: Why You Should Keep Swimming Through Fall and Winter

During the spring and summer, swimming may be your favorite outdoor activity and form of exercise. But then fall sets in, pools get covered for the cooler weather, and many don’t think about swimming again until the weather warms up in spring. But are there good reasons to keep up your swimming habit during the […]

Dont Do These: Gym Exercises to Avoid

It’s 2018! Long lines at local gyms abound. Unfortunately, many will abandon their dreams of 6 pack abs by February. One major reason is injury. The most common issue is low back pain. It could be an outright injury or nagging soreness that prevents you from attacking the gym with January 1st alacrity. Don’t fail your 2018 exercise resolution because of […]

The 5 Best Spine Sparing Core Exercises

Sitting all day long is a common practice in modern life. We sit during our commute to work. We sit all day at work. We sit during the commute home. We may even sit on the couch and watch a little TV at night. What’s the big deal? Sitting for long periods of time on […]

Build These Muscle Groups to Save Your Back When Skiing or Snowboarding

Skiing and snowboarding are popular winter sports that can bring a lot of joy during the cold weather. However, these are also hobbies that can put a lot of stress on the back and hips. This is because a skier or snowboarder is spending a lot of time in a forward leaning or squatting position. […]

Are Regular Chiropractic Appointments Good for Maintaining Overall Health?

The short answer is yes, but let’s delve deeper into why regular chiropractic care to provide spinal maintenance is good for overall health and well-being. You’ve heard the old adage that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. This proves true when it comes to spinal health as well. Just like you […]

What Toddlers Can Teach Us About Proper Movement

I spent the holidays in Myrtle Beach with friends and family. While others were enjoying eggnog and setting #resolutionfails I was watching human movement patterns. I was impressed with the squats position of the toddlers. See an example below of my daughter: Check out the spine sparing hip hinge. Something we should all aspire to. This […]

Potential Causes of Shooting Back Pain: How Chiropractic Treatments Help

One common form of back pain that patients experience is shooting pain. In other words, the pain radiates from one particular area and to other parts of the back and body such as down the arms or legs. What causes this type of radiating pain? How can chiropractic treat shooting back pain? Read on to […]

The Best Outdoor Activities for Your Joints

Now that the weather has finally warmed up, you are probably spending more of your activity time outside. A lot of that time could potentially put a strain on your joints. What outdoor activities can you enjoy that will place a minimal strain on your body while still getting you some physical activity and time […]

Jaw Pain—Coping with TMJ Dysfunction

Many have heard about jaw pain and TMJ. TMJ stands for temporomandibular joint, the one that works your lower jaw and keeps it connected to the skull. It is responsible for chewing, swallowing, and opening one’s mouth to speak. When TMJ dysfunction occurs, pain may be felt in the joint and surrounding tissue. Other symptoms […]

Hamstring Rehab – Recovering from and Preventing Injuries

The human body has three muscles along the back of the thigh between the hip and the knee. Together, these three muscles make up what is known as the hamstring. The hamstring is a vital component in your ability to walk, jump, and run. It even helps to control some of the movement of your […]