Home Exercises to Decrease Stiffness During Isolation

Whether you are working from home or just watching more TV than usual, it can lead to a stiff or sore back and neck. How can you deal with the increased stiffness during this time period of isolation due to the novel coronavirus? Here are a few tips. #1 Try Using a Foam Roller A foam […]
Working from Home? Follow These Tips to Preserve Your Posture

Whether you work from home regularly or it is a new experience for you due to the spread of COVID-19 in the US, you want to make sure that your home office isn’t destroying your posture (and your spine as a result). How can you adjust your home workstation to help maintain proper posture? Here […]
Managing Arthritic Joint Pain in Cooler Temperatures

Arthritis is more than just one health condition. There are varying types of arthritis, including rheumatoid arthritis (which is an autoimmune condition). However, today we are going to focus on one particular type of arthritis – osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is a musculoskeletal condition, and it is the most common form of arthritis that people experience. It […]
The Importance of a Dynamic Warmup for Winter Outdoor Sports

Are you a fan of winter sports like skiing, snowboarding, ice skating, and the like? If so, then you need to be performing the right dynamic stretches before your physical activity. Why is warming up important? What is the difference between static and dynamic warmups? What are some good warmups you can do before heading […]
Spine Healthy New Year’s Resolutions

Can you believe it is the start of a new decade? What New Year’s resolutions have you set regarding your health? Here are a few suggestions that can help you to improve your spine health in 2020. #1 Improve Your Core Stability The stability of a person’s core is very telling when it comes to […]
How to Clear Your Lawn of Leaves Without Hurting Your Back

It’s time to get all of those leaves out of the yard before they get buried under snow and end up being a mess in the spring. We’ve got seven tips to help you get your yard clear of leaves without straining your back. 7 Tips for Picking Up Leaves in Fall Here are the […]
Benefits of Pediatric Chiropractic Care for Infants and Children

Did you know we offer pediatric chiropractic care in Fairfax at Ward Chiropractic? Dr. Ward is experienced in treating children from birth and up for general spinal alignment or specific conditions your child may suffer from. As a parent of two younger children, Dr. Ward knows how important caring for your child’s spinal health is. His pediatric […]
Daily Walks: Making the Most of the Last Warm Days of the Year

A daily walk is a great way to get some exercise without stressing your joints. Of course, it can be tough to walk in winter, so you want to use the warmer seasons to the full. For many, October is the last month with warm enough weather to go for regular walks. It is also […]
Auto Accident Injuries: Myths Busted

Proper Backpack Loading for Kids (And Adults Too)

More and more young people are dealing with back and neck pain. While there are a number of reasons for this, one might be the way children load their backpacks. Have you seen kids walking around with bags half their size? Here are some tips to help protect your child’s spine, and you can apply […]