Anti-Inflammatory Choices for Your Labor Day BBQ

Labor Day weekend is one of the last chances to get in a little grilling for many who love to cook outdoors. What can you do if you’re worried the usual BBQ menu will result in a week of joint pain? Here are some tips for an anti-inflammatory BBQ menu that your family will still […]

Dr. Ward Attends Conference at National University of Health and Sciences in Chicago

Recently, Dr. Ward attended a conference at the National University of Health and Sciences in Chicago, a leader in integrative medicine. The conference covered topics in the latest cutting-edge techniques for chiropractors, including chiropractic treatment for both pregnant women and infants and children. Expecting Mothers and Chiropractic Treatment At the conference, Dr. Ward learned the latest in […]

Pool Diving Safety: How to Avoid Head and Neck Injuries

Whether you’re an adult or a child, understanding how to dive safely into a pool is important. According to one study, 110,000 divers under the of 19 ended up in the ER in the US during the years 1990-2006. The great majority of the dives took place from a meter or less above the water. So […]

Tips for Running a 5k Without Stressing Your Joints

With the running season upon us, you may be thinking about running in a 5k. How can you participate in this type of event without putting undue stress on your joints? We’re going to give you a few tips to help you run with confidence and feel good doing it. How to Run a 5k […]

How to Mow the Lawn Without Throwing Your Back Out

Mowing the lawn can range from a chore to a great American pastime depending on how you feel about the upkeep of your property. Whether you view it as an inconvenience or a hobby, you want to be sure that you are taking proper care of your back when mowing the yard, particularly when you […]

Gardening – How to Keep Your Joints Safe During the Growing Season

If you have a green thumb, then spring and summer are probably your favorite seasons. But does your favorite hobby seem to wreak havoc on your back and neck? We’re about to give you some great gardening tips to help keep your joints safe. Avoid Prolonged Forward Flexion That’s just a fancy way of saying […]