Frequently Asked Questions
Swimming Injuries FAQs
Can Chiropractic and Rehabilitation Treatments Help with Swimming Injuries?
Swimming is a physically demanding sport that requires rapid force production and endurance. Overtime the repetitive motions associated with swimming can result in joint, muscle, tendon and ligament damage. These problems are sometimes associated with underlying misalignments and nerve irritation. Through a detailed functional exam, we can determine what is causing your pain, what are the factors contributing to your pain and what is the best course of action to resolve the issue as rapidly as possible. Dr. Ward has worked with Division One athletes at Georgetown University and understands the high-stakes, competitive swimming environment in Northern Virginia. When necessary we collaborate with parents, coaches, athletic trainers and other doctors to deliver a comprehensive treatment plan.
Can Chiropractic and Rehabilitation Treatments Help with Swimmer's Shoulder?
Shoulder pain is the most common complaint that sidelines aquatic athletes. The shoulder joint is inherently unstable because of its anatomy. The shoulder joint is not truly a ball and socket joint but more of a ball and disc joint. The “ball” on the end of the upper arm bone sits on a relatively flat disc-like structure in the shoulder blade. While this arrangement allows for great mobility, it also makes the shoulder venerable to injury. The rotator cuff is a group of muscles that holds the shoulder joint in proper alignment during movement including swimming.
Repetitive use can cause the upper arm to rotate forward out of proper alignment. This can cause inflammation of the rotator cuff and loosening of the ligaments around the shoulder which further perpetuates the injury cycle. This rotator cuff impingement syndrome is known as swimmer’s shoulder. Chiropractic and rehabilitation treatment of swimmers shoulder focuses on restoring proper alignment of the shoulder through adjustments and correcting poor muscle activation patterns through rehabilitative exercises.
I have Knee Pain During Breaststroke Kick, Can You Help?
While knee pain can happen to any swimmer, it is most common in breaststrokers. The frog kick in breaststroke puts a tremendous amount of stress on the inside portion of the knees. This causes strain to the ligaments in that region. This condition is known as breast-stroker’s knee.
Treatment of this condition involves ensuring proper alignment of the knee joint, patella, hips and spine through chiropractic adjustments. Rehabilitation exercises including band exercises are used to strengthen the knees and take the pressure off of the inflamed joints and ligaments.
Can Chiropractic and Rehabilitation Treatments Help with Back and Neck Pain During Swimming?
Swimming involves repetitive powerful motion of the back and neck. Rotation of the spine is also involved including when turning the neck to breathe during freestyle. This receptive motion sometimes results in inflammation and injury of the back and neck. Injury can occur to the joints, muscles, ligaments and discs in the region. Injuries can result in nerve irritation which in turn can cause pain a spasm to surrounding body regions. Treatment of these receptive strain injuries involves identifying the structure that is causing the pain and addressing the issue through specific chiropractic adjustments and tailored rehabilitative exercises. Proper spinal alignment and functional core stability are key to a rapid and lasting recovery.

We pride ourselves in our caring and long-term relationships we develop with our patients, so schedule an appointment today. We look forward to seeing you!